Lostwithiel Rotarians launch new fundraising drive
Monday 9th December 2013
Rotary Club of Lostwithiel supports many charities and events, both within the town and much further afield, including major charities like End Polio Now and ShelterBox. In 2014 the club will also be holding a vocational careers event for young teenagers, raising money for a defibrillator in the town and sending an all-terrain ambulance to Kosova.
The Rotarians have recently launched a fun way for the people of Lostwithiel to help in this work.
People are being asked to pay £12 for an annual share in a "200 Club", from which £1 will be used each month for a cash prize draw. Half of the money received will go to support Rotary charities and the other half will be used for cash prizes (50% 1st prize, 30% 2nd prize and 20% 3rd prize).
Further details, and an application form to join the "200 Club" are available on the Lostwithiel Rotary Club website.
(The Rotary Club of Lostwithiel is licenced by Cornwall Council as a small society lottery - reference SL41081).