Lost In Film cheque handover to Skatepark project
Thursday 22nd November 2012

Lostwithiel Skatepark Project has been set up to replace a worn out but well loved timber miniramp with a new, more sustainably constructed facility to be enjoyed by people with skateboards, scooters and BMX bikes. Local support for the project has been strong with regular fund-raising events held in the town, ranging from Bingo nights to jumble sales and car washes.
The group is well on its way to raising the local target of £20,000 towards total project costs. £15,000 has been promised by the Town Council and Lostwithiel Educational Trust, leaving £5000 to be raised by local effort. Donations have already been received from Pennon Group, the Duke of Cornwall Benevolent Fund, The Dulverton Trust, Transition Lostwithiel and the Lostwithiel Business group. The total cost for the project is expected to be £70- £100K.
Lost In Film is run by volunteers and regularly holds fundraising film nights. Films are shown in the Church Rooms, Lostwithiel and details of all films are on Next up will be the classic ghost story, The Woman in Black (12A), on Monday 26th November followed by family favourites The Muppets (U) on Friday 28th December.
Visit the Lost In Film website
Pictured: Helen Taylor from Lostwithiel Skatepark Project and Natty Weston, Jo Salter and Francis Dufort from Lost In Film.