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75th Produce Show - Coming soon

Tuesday 22nd May 2018


Time to start getting ready for the 75th  Produce Show on Saturday September 8th 2018. The show is organised by Lostwithiel Garden Society in conjunction with Lostwithiel Women's Institute and Lostwithiel & District Floral Art Group.

 This year there is an exciting new challenge for Lostwithiel children -  THE POTATO COMPETITION!

Get a potato, chit it (put it in a light place until it sprouts), get a big bucket, fill it with compost, plant your potato in the bucket. Water it and watch the potato plant grow. Who will have the biggest number of new potatoes in their bucket when all is revealed at the LOSTWITHIEL ANNUAL PRODUCE SHOW on 8th September? £10 prize for the winner with the most new potatoes on their plant.


The Show will be opened at 2-30pm by Kitty Chanter- Menendez.  Doors open at 2.00pm. There will be a Plant / Produce  Bring and Buy stall all afternoon.  Presentation of prizes will be at 4.00pm.

Admission to the show is only £1 with Children free.



A full schedule for the show in pdf format may be downloaded via this link.

All questions to John Pegg 01208 872 67 or via Lostwithiel Garden Society facebook page.