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Local groups



Church Rooms

Hall with toilets and kitchen in the centre of town available for hire. Many regular events are held here.

Contact: email or call Revd Sheila on 01208 871344.


Lostwithiel Labour group 

For more information about Lostwithiel Labour, please contact Sally Sweeney (Chair) on  01208 873 525


Conservative Club

16 Queen Street, Lostwithiel, Cornwall PL22 0AD   01208 872325


Lostwithiel Local Environmental Action Forum (LEAF)

This group aims to help you tackle the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Find out more via their facebook page


Friends Of St Bartholomew's Church, Lostwithiel (FOSB)

Raises money for the maintenance of the church through holding fund-raising events and soliciting regular and one-off donations.

Contact: Eleanor Knowles  (Secretary)   email:  eleanorcpk   "AT"   Phone   07905 611614 


Lerryn Area Minibus

Volunteer drivers take our community minibus from Lerryn via Lostwithiel to local towns, shops, garden centres and places of interest. Charges are very modest, and a phone call books you a place. In addition you can hire the bus for their own activities. View the L.A.M.A timetables

Contact: Richard, on 01208 871419


Lostwithiel Area U3A

U3A stands for the University of the Third Age which is a self-help organisation for people who are retired, semi-retired or no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. Lostwithiel Area U3A is a U3A Group located in South East Cornwall drawing our members mostly from Lostwithiel and the surrounding areas of Lerryn, Lanlivery, Golant, Bodmin and Fowey.

Contact: via Lostwithiel Area U3A website


Lostwithiel Business Group

Lostwithiel Business Group (LBG) was formed in 2001 in response to the needs of all businesses in the town. LBG's objective is to originate and promote activities to benefit and advance the commercial interests of the town of Lostwithiel. This website is funded by LBG members.

Contact via this page.


Lostwithiel Community Association

Lostwithiel Community Centre opened in 1983 to provide facilities for the local community. It was built with much energy from the people of Lostwithiel and is run by local people. The Lostwithiel Community Association is a Registered Charity and relies on a small number of dedicated staff and voluntary helpers. 

Contact:  Community Centre on 01208 872 207 or via facebook  @lostwithielcommunitycentre


Lostwithiel Gateway Church (Elim)

Generally meet on Sundays at 5pm.  Also hold various social and youth events.  Check facebook page for the latest information

Contact: via website or facebook


Lostwithiel Town Council

Lostwithiel Town Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Council meetings are open to the public. There is an agenda item for Public Participation when members of the public have the opportunity to address the Council on matters relating to Lostwithiel. 

Contact the Town Clerk on 01208 872323 or email

On facebook search @lostwithielcouncil

Main website: 


Lostwithiel Town Forum

The Forum was founded in 2001 with a mission to pursue the economic and social development of Lostwithiel and adjacent parishes.  In April 2021 The Forum merged with Lostwithiel Business Group. For more details see this page.


Lostwithiel Twinning Association

The Twinning Association exists to bring closer the communities of Lostwithiel and its twin town of 40 years, Pleyber Christ in Brittany. An annual exchange visit is organised with the host town alternating each year and visitors hosted by local families, and many social events held to raise funds. Speaking French is not a requirement, and anyone is welcome to join. Read more about the Lostwithiel Twinning Association

Updates  available via facebook


Rotary Club Of Lostwithiel

Members of the Rotary Club of Lostwithiel all want to do a little bit of good, and to have a bit of fun whilst doing it. Some have lived in or around Lostwithiel all their lives, and others have relocated from other parts of the country. The diversity which this brings to our club both enlivens our fellowship and enhances our capability to make things happen.

Meets: weekly on Thursday nights at 7-30pm  in the Royal Oak Duke Street
Contact:  via facebook or   Rotary Club of Lostwithiel website


Social Club

Fore Street Lostwithiel  PL22 0BP 

Lostwithiel social club is open from 6pm to 11 pm weekdays and from 12 noon to 11 pm weekends.  Offering a range of beverages, pool, snooker and darts
We also have rooms for events and for hire. Non members welcome, Dogs welcome also.  The Social Club facebook page may be viewed via

Contact Phone Number: 01208 872335


Social Groups

Lerryn Womens Institute

Lerryn WI welcomes new members and invites you to “try before you buy”. We have a speaker every month apart from March and May which are, respectively, our annual and resolution meetings and visitors are always welcome to join us (including men).

Meets in the Lerryn Memorial Hall at 7.15pm on the first Wednesday of every month except August
Contact: Catherine Murphy, Secretary, on 01208 871195


Lostwithiel Womens Institute

Update March 2025 -  Lostwithiel WI has now closed


Lostwithiel Ladies

Contact: Joy Stephens on 01208 873456


Lost  Ladies with Babies

Now with over 60 local members, the ‘Lost Ladies with Babies’ group on Facebook is the one-stop-shop for parents and carers of babies and toddlers in Lostwithiel. Ask for advice, share your experiences, exchange information about local groups and events and arrange meet ups. The page includes a helpful list of recurring weekly and monthly groups, ideal for new parents or those new to the town. It’s free for all! Search for the group name on Facebook or  click here.


Health & Support Groups

Lostwithiel Memory Cafe

Contact:  Martin Austen 01208 872490  or Geoffrey Phipps 01208 871470 

Meets every other Thursday at Lostwithiel Community Centre 2pm - 4pm. Supports people living with dementia and their carers.


The Day Club (For people living with memory loss)

Contact: Kate: 07813886706/ Laura 01208 871683

Meets Wednesdays 10am - 4pm at Lostwithiel Community Centre. Emphasis is on structured activity and occupation. Facilitated by trained Activity Workers with an understanding of memory loss and evidence-based approaches. Home cooked lunch.


Alcoholics Anonymous

Confidential help for those who wish to stop drinking alcohol.

Tel: 0845 769 7555


British Legion

Contact: Bill & Ruth Needs on 01208 872884


Cancer Research UK - Lostwithiel And District

Raises money for Cancer Research UK through fund-raising events.

Contact: Chris Dimond - Chairman Telephone 01208 871784 


Childrens Clinic For Cornwall

Complementary treatments at subsidised prices to families in need. Offering homeopathy, cranial osteopathy and acupuncture.

Location: The Market Building, Pleyber Christ Way, Lostwithiel, PL22 0HA
Contact: Kate Hands, Principle of Clinic, on 01208 872867


Headway Cornwall

Support group for head injured, their families, carers, friends. Various activities and outings. Home visits via the outreach worker. This support group is informal and everyone is welcome.

Location: Oasis Centre, Lostwithiel Community Centre, Liddicoat Road, Lostwithiel, PL22 0HE
Opening Hours: Mon 10am-4pm & Weds 10am-4pm
Contact: Mrs Frances Colliver, Centre Manager on 01208 873567 / 01726 814663


Welcome Group

Welcome Group are a mental health support drop-in group run by Rural Community Links Project. They meet at the Scout Hut on Fridays 10am - 12.30. For more information please call 01726 821858.


Sport Groups

Boconnoc Cricket Club

If you are looking to play competitive cricket, within an excellent team spirit, Boconnoc is the right club for you. Playing in Division 3 East or Division 6 East, players of all ages and abilities are welcome. The Club's ground is set inside the Boconnoc Estate just to the east of Lostwithiel. 

If you are interested in playing for, supporting or sponsoring the club please contact 




Lostwithiel Bowling Club

Outdoor club. Mixed membership. All welcome. Free coaching available.
Contact:  01208 873794  or via form on their website

Location: Restormel Road, Lostwithiel
Open: April - September 

We now have a junior section - children aged from 6 to 11.

Visit the website


Lostwithiel Short Mat Bowls Club

The club play at the Community Centre on Thursdays from 7 pm. New members welcome.

Contact: Pam on 01208 872675


Lostwithiel Fishing  Association

  • WATERS: 3 Miles Both Banks
  • SPECIES: Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout
  • PERMITS: Rogers Tackle Shop Bodmin
  • CHARGES: Season Tickets  £55
  • SEASON: 1st April to 15th December,
  • METHODS: All Baits


Lostwithiel Football Club

Lostwithiel FC home games are played on the King George V playing field next to the Community Centre.  Contact Form available on club website


Lostwithiel Table tennis Club

Held in Church Rooms   Every Thursday afternoon from 1.30pm and Monday nights  from 6pm  (except last Monday in month when Lost in Film have a booking.)  For more information contact Secretary - Sue Randell 01208 77929


Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk is a friendly group designed for Christians, and those exploring faith to meet and discuss within the glorious Cornish countryside.

Facebook page:


Gardening Groups

Lostwithiel Garden Society

The Lostwithiel Garden Society holds monthly talks with guest speakers during the winter and  excursions to gardens during the summer. 

Contact: Jenna Pegg, Secretary on 01208 368169

Facebook page:


Growing Better Gardens

A Community Gardening project based in a private area of the Duchy of Cornwall nursery site on Cott Road. The project has been set up to encourage anyone with health issues, or who feels socially isolated, to come along and garden, chat, exercise or just drink tea in a friendly supportive atmosphere. We currently meet on a Thursday or Friday morning from 10am, but as seeds germinate and grow we may be there more often. If you are interested in joining us please contact Mel via  facebook page or  Fiona, by email growingbettergarden AT or phone 07846 871 148.

Historical Groups

Lostwithiel Museum Association

Small fully registered museum with exhibits covering the social history of the ancient Stannary Town. Includes an 18th century fire engine and a good collection of old pictures and objects reflecting the town's past and an extensive reference section.

Location: 16 Fore Street, Lostwithiel, PL22 0BW
Opening hours: See their website



Lostwithiel Old Cornwall Society

Meets: fourth Tuesday of the month from September to April (excluding December) inclusive, 7.30pm
Location: St Bartholomew's Church Hall, Church Lane, Lostwithiel.
Contact:  Chairman: Mrs Mary Mitchell   [01208] 367016
More information on The Old Cornwall Society website.


Music Groups


Cantate Domino Liturgical Choir

We sing evensong at various churches throughout Cornwall and are available to sing at weddings and other church services. New members are welcome, some singing experience preferred but not essential.

Contact: Angeline Seymour, Director of Music, on 01208 873914


Lost In Song

UDATE FEB 2025 -  Lost in  Song isn't currently operating

 Lost is Song is Lostwithiel's Community Choir. We're a group of singers of all ages and experience who meet every Thursday 7-8.30pm and sing all kinds of songs and rounds. New members always welcome, the sessions are £3.50 and occasionally we contribute to local events and perform at local fundraising concerts. The emphasis of our group is about singing for fun and we enjoy all the benefits of singing and harmonising and you don't have to be able to read music to take part

Contact: Emma on 01208 79671 or 07803 176416 (leave a message if unavailable)


Kana Lostwithiel  Community Choir

Kana is a fun mixed singing group of all ages and abilities. Wednesday 7.00-8.30pm Lostwithiel Scout Hut 

No auditons, no need to read music, no singing on your own   Learning and performing a mix of contemporary songs/shanties/ country/rock/pop and timeless classics

Love to sing? - come and join us FREE first session

Contact Tracey Bailey 07990 070568 or see  Facebook


Lostwithiel Music Appreciation Society

Music appreciation society to include all kinds of music: classical, jazz, folk, etc.

Meets: monthly at the Restormel Lodge Hotel.
Contact: John and Jill Scott on 01208 871656


Lostwithiel Town Band

Consisting of a Training Band and Senior Band. . They perform regularly in Lostwithiel and surrounding areas throughout the year.

Music Director: Anna Minear
Chairman: Mike Lovegrove 

  More information on the  band's facebook page



Madrigali sing a variety of music including early music and part songs which are often forgotten and not heard today. If you enjoy singing please come and join us, previous singing and musical experience is not necessary, just enthusiasm! 

Madrigali meets on Monday mornings from 10.00  in Lostwithiel Methodist Church, North Street (Next to Lostwithiel Library)

See their facebook page for more details

Musical Director Will Sherwood

For more Information please contact Jane Santo: drsj.santo AT, Tel 01208 872920


Folk Clubs / Folk Music
 An Acoustic Folk Jam is held on the second Friday of the month  at Lostwithiel Social Club, Fore Street, Lostwithiel  

A local resident, John Tremaine, actively promotes folk music in Cornwall.  John is editor of Folk in Cornwall magazine which provides details of Folk events in Cornwall.  The latest edition of the magazine may be downloaded via this link.


Art & Culture Groups

Lostwithiel Book Clubs

There are two book clubs in Lostwithiel.  They both meet at the Community Centre

Book Group One -  Every second Monday in the month
Book Group Two -  Every third Monday in the month

Contact Community Centre for more details


Floral Art Group

Every fourth Wednesday (except August, December and January)  at 2.30 in Lanhydrock Hall.
Contact:  Secretary 01726 833319


Lost In Film

Lostwithiel's film society showing the best of contemporary films across a wide range of genres.

Screenings: Church Rooms, Church Lane, Lostwithiel, doors and bar open 7pm, film starts 8pm
Contact: Mat Connolley, Chair via the Lost In Film website


Lostwithiel Players

The Lostwithiel Players are a small friendly amateur dramatic group encompassing all ages and abilities. They typically do one production per year - for the last few years this has been panto - perfomed in February. They also hold socials to keep in touch throughout the year and usually take part in carnival week in July. They welcome new members - both those who are interested in being on or off stage. So to try something different and fun, please contact secretary Dawn Stephens on 01208 873647.


Rag Rug Hookers

Recycle your old clothes into lovely rugs and wall-hangings. Free tuition and beginners welcome. Tools are available to purchase. All profits are donated. We also organise trips out for the group.

Meets: every Tuesday except the first of the month 10am - 12.30 in meeting rooms above the Methodist church next to Lostwithiel Library.
Contact: Dianne Best on 01208 872303

'Sew What"
1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons from 2 till 4pm. in meeting rooms above the Methodist church next to Lostwithiel Library

Knitters and Natters 
Tuesday afternoons from 2-till 4pm. in meeting rooms above the Methodist church next to Lostwithiel Library


Woolly Wednesdays

Social knit and natter over cup of tea or coffee and piece of homemade cake, 2 quay street 10-12 on a Wednesday.


Lerryn Film Club

Lerryn Film Club is a Private Members' Club, whose main object is to promote the enjoyment of films by its members. Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18, on payment of the current subscription.

Screenings: Lerryn Memorial Hall on the third Saturday of each month from September to April.

Contact: Sue Watts, Membership Secretary   Phone: 01208 871513


Groups for young people

Cub Scouts

Meets at the Scout HQ. More details and contact form on Scouts website


Lostwithiel Army Cadet Force

Sponsored by the Army, the ACF provides challenging, adventurous and character building training for young people of both sexes aged between 12 - 17.

Meets: ACF Hall, The Parade, Lostwithiel, PL22 0DX on Tuesdays  6.30 - 8.30pm.
Contact: Bodmin HQ on 01208 73183


Lostwithiel Beavers

Boys and girls aged 6-8 years meet each week. 



Lostwithiel Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

Meets at the Scout HQ. Visit or phone 0800 1695901 to be contacted by the local leader.


Lostwithiel Pre-school

Address: Bodmin Hill, Lostwithiel, PL22 0AJ
Contact: ring 01208 872243 or via facebook


Nurtured Nursery Pre-School

Address: St. Winnow C of E School, Lostwithiel, PL22 0RA
Contact: ring 01208 369 048 or visit


Young Farmers

Lostwithiel Young Farmers Club meet at Lostwithiel Scout Hut on Monday evenings.  Keep up to date with upcoming events and any YFC news via their facebook page.


Youth (Training) Band

Beginners and returners of ALL ages welcome.   More details via this page.