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Friends of St Bartholomew's

St Bart's spire

At the heart of Lostwithiel lies St Bartholomew's Church which has been a focus of Christian worship and social concern within the community for well over a thousand years and symbolises the history of Lostwithiel.

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This fine building has wonderful features to cherish and attracts many visitors. However the cost of maintaining the fabric of the Grade 1 listed building is more than can be raised by the congregation alone. The building enjoys a special position in the affections of many people outside the church's regular worshippers. The Friends of St Bartholomew's Church Lostwithiel (FOSB) was set up in 1995 to reach out and appeal to this wider community of supporters.

FOSB, a registered charity, has been raising money to assist in the maintenance of the Church, and has made significant grants to several projects, including the major tower renovation. Read more about FOSB in this leaflet.

The money is raised through a combination of donations from members and from fund raising events such as the annual charity shop and music concerts.

We would love to hear from anybody who would like to help with this worthy cause. To join FOSB all you have to do is make a donation of £10 or more. 

The current President is Revd Paul Beynon and Chairman is John Allen.

View photographs, plus information about FOSB's work prior to 2010

For more details please contact:

Eleanor Knowles  (Secretary)   email:      eleanorcpk   @   Phone   07905 611614 
Eddie Sugar (Treasurer)  email: etsugar  @   Phone 07901 513799


FOSB events


2024 Charity Shop

Tuesday 30 July to Friday 9 August in  The Church Rooms, Church Lane, Lostwithiel

. All proceeds go to the friends of St Bartholomew’s Church, Lostwithiel (FOSB). Please help preserve your church building for future generations.  See More Details


Bumper One Day Charity Sale

When : Thursday 18 July 2024, 11am to 5pm

Where : Sweet Magnolias, Fore Street,  Lostwithiel


Everything MUST go, so come along and bag a bargain.

All proceeds go to the friends of St Bartholomew’s Church (FOSB), as a result of the generosity of Suzette Dawson. Please help preserve your church building for future generations.



See more details


Fantastic results from 2023 Charity Shop

UPDATE 14th August 2023

Messasge from Eleanor Knowles Secretary of FOSB:-

"A huge thank you to everybody who helped to make the FOSB charity shop 2023 such a great success. This year, thanks to the many excellent donations of goods, all our volunteer helpers and – of course – all the discerning buyers, we have raised a record amount of money for the repairs to St Bartholomew. To date, the total stands at £9,000!
THANK YOU EVERYONE – we couldn’t raise money for St Barts without you."

2023 AGM

AGM for The Friends of St Bartholomew's Church, Lostwithiel (FOSB) was held at 7pm on Monday 27th March 2023 in St Barts.


2022 Charity Sale

The FOSB Executive Committee, are delighted to report that the August 2022 charity sale was a great success, raising an amazing total of £6,208.06.

This would not have been possible had it not been for all those who generously donated good quality items for sale; our hard-working band of helpers; and, of course, our generous purchasers. We would like to thank you all very much for making this year’s sale so successful and we hope that we can count on your support again next year.

If you would like to join us as a member of FOSB (for a minimum annual donation of just £10) and help us to maintain the fabric of this place of worship, community asset and architectural feature of our town, then please contact one of our committee members or pick up a leaflet in St Bartholomew’s Church. Thank you, we look forward to welcoming you into FOSB.



St Bart's save our spire2021 Repairs Appeal

St. Bartholomew's church goes back hundreds of years. It is the icon of the town, and we need your help to fund the repairs to this church and icon of the community in Lostwithiel

If we can raise £60000 towards the repair we can potentially get match funding towards the repair.

Any donation great or small will help us on this important project for one of the most valuable buildings to the community.