Lostwithiel Twinning Association
The Lostwithiel Twinning Association facilitates friendships, promotes understanding and encourages cooperation through the town's close and longstanding association with Pleyber Christ in Brittany.
Lostwithiel has been twinned with the small town of Pleyber Christ, near Morlaix in Brittany, for 40 years. In 2009 our 30th anniversary was celebrated with two visits; our Breton friends came to Cornwall in May for a long weekend and a return visit was made by the Lostwithiel twinners in September. We also hope to make our 40th anniversary in 2019 special, but the usual pattern is a Lostwithiel trip to the twin town every two years, with Pleyber Christ coming to Lostwithiel during the years in between, as they did in 2017.
Those in the twinning group have great fun; forging friendships with people from a different country is enriching and enjoyable. A real spirit of camaraderie is experienced as we take pleasure in the carefully planned entertainments and hospitality in Brittany and, likewise, offer a varied programme of outings and refreshments for our friends from Pleyber. One appealing aspect of this association is the mixed age range. Babies and children, young couples, single people and older members of the community all enjoy being together in a really convivial group.
If twinning members choose to go on a visit to Pleyber Christ, they will stay with members of the group in Brittany. When the visit is to Lostwithiel, those from Pleyber are accommodated in the homes of our members.
The ability to speak French is not necessary to take part in our activities. Some members speak French, with varying levels of ability, but it has been known for twinners to stay with each other with virtually no knowledge of the other language... without any real problems. Some of us have taken advantage of this association to improve our conversational French, but if you have no urge to improve your language skills this is no barrier to joining - anyone who is interested will be welcome.
The membership of the twinning association is not restricted to the mutual visits. We need to raise funds to finance the activities we provide for the visitors, as well as the expenses of our own trips to Brittany. Throughout the year the twinning committee is actively planning fundraising events, which are a valued part of our social calendar. Events have included the ever popular Safari suppers, pub skittles, themed evenings such as the recent curry night, coach trips - a memorable coach journey took us to the justly famous Bridgewater Carnival, barbeques, cream teas... just to mention a few. Latest news about the Twinning Association is available via their website and facebook page.
If you are interested in joining us, or finding out more about what we do, please contact us.
- Chris Jones (Chairman)
- Mike Sharpe (Secretary)
- John Berryman (Treasurer)
- Nick Warrick (Publicity)
- Vicky Brown (Membership)
Next events at Lostwithiel Twinning Association
Lostwithiel Twinning Association
Lanwithan View
PL22 0JP